(Free Download Link is at the bottom)

Here is a set of 5 beautiful, mobile perfect PDFs. This set has following bare acts-

1. Constitution of India PDF
2. Indian Penal Code PDF
3. Criminal Procedure Code PDF
4. Civil Procedure Code PDF
5. Indian Evidence Act PDF

Bare Act PDFs

You can get this PDF set in two ways-

1. Before or after downloading, please pay any amount that you want using Cards, Paypal, UPI (BHIM, Paytm, PhonePe, Google Pay etc) or Paytm Wallet. (Steps below.)

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I am sure you have seen bare act PDFs at other Government of India sites as well as private owned sites. They are scanned copies or just black and white PDFs with tiny fonts. For simple work this is okay. But if a student wants to fall in love with reading bare acts then the PDF has to be clean, beautiful, systematic and easy.

Bare Act PDFs

Here are some points which make PDFs by WritingLaw beautiful and different from PDFs of other sites-

1. COLOURS – Different colours have been used for Explanations, Exceptions, Case Names, Illustrations etc. Who doesn’t like colours in their life!

2. PERFECT FOR MOBILE – The font type and font size that I have used is perfect for mobile phones. On 5 inch mobile phone you will not have to zoom to read. You can continue reading comfortably.

3. SECTION LINKS – You know that bare act for one subject has mentions about sections of other bare acts. I have provided direct links for all these sections to save your time and energy.

For Example-
Section 174A of IPC, has a mention of Section 82 of CrPC.
Now many students while reading section 174A of IPC will not know what Section 82 of CrPC is. It will take time to find that section in a different bare act.
 Typing and searching will disturb the flow.

What I have done is that, I have given links for these sections right there. Clicking on it will instantly take you to those sections in your browser.

4. BEAUTIFUL – The side numbers are made bold. Like (1), (2), (a), (b) etc. This looks good on eyes and helps differentiate different points.

5. EASY – Long bare acts are divided systematically in chapters and sections. A student gets bored seeing a very long bare act. But he/she will be excited to finish small parts with few sections and chapters and then go to next.

6. INDEX LINKS – All PDFs here except Evidence Act are over 500 pages long. Thus, I have put blue index links to save your time and energy. It will be tough to keep scrolling to reach page number 342 of PDF of Indian Penal Code that has Section 312. But using index links you can just click on it and it will open Section 312 quickly in your browser.

Here is how the PDF will look. Don’t worry, the images you see below are compressed screenshot images and further compressed by the website. So they appear of low quality. Actual PDF is clear, crisp and beautiful.

IPC Pdf Download Indian Penal Code PDF

In the above PDF screenshot sample you saw how I have used colours to help differentiate. I have provided blue links to save your time and energy. Making such PDFs are very time consuming.


It takes me at least 5 continuous hours to create bare act PDFs. These particular PDFs each have over 500 pages!
It takes even more time to create such big PDFs.
For Example,
Look at this picture below. To make ONE PDF OF CPC, I HAVE TO GENERATE AND WORK ON 20+ PDFs FOR CPC. Same for IPC, CrPC, Constitution and other big PDFs.

Please see the below picture. To see this in actual desktop view click on the image below. (opens in new tab)

Civil Procedure Code PDF by WritingLaw


(and help me)

1. Contribute any amount you can.
2. Click the green download button below.


(for free)

I know you are also a student like me. It is tough for us to pay for free things due to our tight budgets. Some of you, even if you wanted to pay me might not have a Paytm account, any UPI app or a Debit Card. It is okay. I understand.

Download the PDF for free.

But please, when you are capable, come back on this website or use links in the PDF and pay me any small amount that you can. Thank You very much. I really need money to keep this website online and ad-free. Here you can see why I need your help and about me. (link opens in new tab)

5 Most Important Bare Act PDFs Download Button(6 MB)
(Clicking on the Download button instantly starts the download process.)

If you are on slow internet connection and do not see the green download button then please click here to download.

(read before downloading the Bare Act PDF set)

You will be getting a 6MB ZIP file. It will have the 5 separate bare act PDFs.
On your Android Phone or computer / laptop simply click or double click it and all 5 bare acts will be placed in a folder named ‘5-Most-Important-Acts‘.

There will be no issues. I am sure. But in any rare case if you have any issue, please use the below iPhone link or contact me.

iPhone users, if you do not know how to manage ZIP files on your iPhone or iPad, then please do not use the above green download button. Please use this Google Drive link. This link has the PDFs and some simple wallpapers.
Please do NOT click ‘Download All’. If you click ‘Download All’, then Google automatically makes a downloadable ZIP file and so you will have the same ZIP file issues.
So please do not click ‘Download All’. You can download the five PDFs one by one.
You can save the PDFs in any supported app on your iPhone like Google Drive, Pages, Word, Files, Books, ShareIt etc. iPhone will ask you for your choice of app depending on the PDF compatible apps already installed on your iPhone. It will be very easy.

Thank You.

WritingLaw » 5 Most Important Bare Act PDFs Law Study Material
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  1. i paid rs 50 through Paytm
    But i am not able to access any pdf file.

    1. Author

      Dear Mehak,
      Thank You for your contribution. I have replied on your email. I have also attached the ZIP file as well as separate PDFs in the email. You can use either. Please reply after you get the email and the bare acts. Then I can be satisfied.

      Thank You for helping me keep this website online and ad-free.

      P.S- This post has two download links. You can use the direct download link (green button) and it instantly starts downloading the ZIP file.

      If you do not know how to extract ZIP file or if you have an iPhone or iPad then please use the second download link which is a Google Drive download link. Please make sure that when you use this link you DO NOT CLICK ‘Download all’. Instead you should download the five files one by one.

      Thank You.
      If you have any other problem, then please do not hesitate to reply on the email I sent you or comment here. I am awake till 2:30 AM.


      I have sent you a second email with additional 13 bare act PDFs. Please check.

      Thank You again for your kind help.

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