9. Return of admitted documents.
(1) Any person, whether a party to the suit or not, desirous of receiving back any document produced by him in the suit and placed on the record shall, unless the document is impounded under rule 8, be entitled to receive back the same,-
(a) where the suit is one in which an appeal is not allowed, when the suit has been disposed of, and
(b) where the suit is one in which an appeal is allowed, when the Court is satisfied that the time for preferring an appeal has elapsed and that no appeal has been preferred or, if an appeal has been preferred, when the appeal has been disposed of :
Provided that a document may be returned at any time earlier than that prescribed by this rule if the person applying therefore-
(a) delivers to the proper officer for being substituted for the original,-
(i) in the case of a party to the suit, a certified copy, and
(ii) in the case of any other person, an ordinary copy which has been examined, compared and certified in the manner mentioned in sub-rule (2) of rule 17 of Order VII, and
(b) undertakes to produce the original, if required to do so:
Provided also, that no document shall be returned with, by force of the decree, has become wholly void or useless.
(2) On the return of a document admitted in evidence, a receipt shall be given by the person receiving it.
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