Chapter III, Chapter IV, Chapter V and Chapter VI fall under Part 2 of Indian Evidence Act.
Section 56 to Section 100 fall under Part 2.
56. Fact Judicially noticeable need not be proved.
No fact of which the Court will take judicial notice need be proved.
Judicial Notice of fact that many blind persons have acquired great academic distinctions can be taken by court.
Related Case- Jai Shankar Prasad v. State of Bihar, 1993
57. Facts of which Court must take judicial notice.
The Court shall take judicial notice of the following facts-
1- All laws in force in the territory of India.
2- All public Acts passed or hereafter to be passed by Parliament of the United Kingdom, and all local and personal Acts directed by Parliament of the United Kingdom to be judicially noticed.
3- Articles of War for the Indian Army, Navy or Air Force.
4- The course of proceeding of Parliament of the United Kingdom, of the Constituent Assembly of India, of Parliament and of the legislatures established under any laws for the time being in force in a Province or in the States.
5- The accession and the sign manual of the Sovereign for the time being of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
6- All seals of which English Courts take judicial notice: the seals of all the Courts in India and of all Courts out of India established by the authority of the Central Government or the Crown Representative; the seals of Courts of Admiralty and Maritime Jurisdiction and of Notaries Public, and all seals which any person is authorized to use by the Constitution or an Act of Parliament of the United Kingdom or an Act or Regulation having the force of law in India.
7- The accession to office, names, titles, functions and signatures of the persons filling for the time being any public office in any State, if the fact of their appointment to such office is notified in any Official Gazette.
8- The existence, title and national flag of every State or Sovereign recognized by the Government of India.
9- The divisions of time, the geographical divisions of the world, and public festivals, fasts and holidays notified in the Official Gazette.
10- The territories under the dominion of the Government of India.
11- The commencement, continuance, and termination of hostilities between the Government of India and any other State or body of persons.
12- The names of the members and officers of the Court and of their deputies and subordinate officers and assistants, and also of all officers acting in execution of its process, and of or all advocates, attorneys, proctors, Vakils, pleaders and other persons authorized by law to appear or act before it.
13- The rule of the road on land or at sea.
In all these cases, and also on all matters of public history, literature, science or art, the Court may resort for its aid to appropriate books or documents of reference.
If the Court is called upon by any person to take judicial notice of any fact, it may refuse to do so unless and until such person produces any such book or document as it may consider necessary to enable it to do so.
Custom: Scope
When a custom has been repeatedly recognised by courts then it is blended into the law of land and proof of the same would become unnecessary under section 57 of this act.
Related Case- Atluri Brahmanandam v. Anne Sai Bapuji 2010
Note- Court may take judicial notice of widespread malaise of illegal immigration and exploitation of young ones by unauthorised recruiting agents.
58. Facts admitted need not be proved.
No fact need to be proved in any proceeding which the parties thereto or their agents agree to admit at the hearing, or which, before the hearing, they agree to admit by any writing under their hands, or which by any rule of pleading in force at the fine they are deemed to have admitted by their pleadings;
Provided that the Court may, in its discretion, require the facts admitted to be proved otherwise than by such admissions.
*Implied Admission-
Implied admission in written statement can not be allowed to be withdrawn. However the plaintiff can be insisted upon to prove his case.
Related Case- Uttam Chand Kothari versus Gauri Shankar Jalan, 2007
Section 59 and Section 60, Chapter IV – Oral Evidence→
Evidence Act by Batuk Lal
Evidence Act by KD Gaur
Evidence Act by Dr V Nageswara Rao
Evidence Act by BM Prasad
Evidence Act by Shakil Ahmad Khan
Evidence Act Bare Act
- Article 334A of the Constitution of India - 14th April 2024
- Article 332A of the Constitution of India - 14th April 2024
- Article 330A of the Constitution of India - 14th April 2024