RTI Act. Download the full and updated PDF for RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT, 2005.
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(185 KB)
- Article 334A of the Constitution of India - 14th April 2024
- Article 332A of the Constitution of India - 14th April 2024
- Article 330A of the Constitution of India - 14th April 2024

Hi dude nice content in every pdf but i need to know about RTI. In my university they have entered in to a agreement with law spice .com and compeling us to register as mandatory our senior has appiled rti for the legal agreement but rejected in a basis as it is a intellectual property is there any laws in rti to support us. And making it mandatory violates my right to choose as a consumer . Can i get remedy .
As far as I am aware, RTI is for Right to Information. In your case your university is forcing you something. You will have to take this up with your university faculty or you may lodge complaint at other Government portals. Or visit Government’s Ministry of Education website or something similar and see what you can do there.
RTI does not seem to be applicable in your situation.
You should take this up with your college and your university and ask them not to force you something. Again you always have the support of complaining official Government Ministers or concerned Ministries on Twitter and see if you are able to channel your voice. But first start this issue with your teachers and HODs at college and ask them to take this up with the university.
(This was just a suggestion not a legal advice. I am not capable or entitled to give legal advice.)
Hope everything works out for you.