Meaning, Essentials, and Significance of Writ Petition
This article tells you about the essence of writ petitions under the Indian Constitution, exploring their significance and procedures.KEEP READING
This article tells you about the essence of writ petitions under the Indian Constitution, exploring their significance and procedures.KEEP READING
Learn about the appointment, oath and removal of the President, VP, PM, Governor, Chief Justice, Attorney General, and CAG of India.KEEP READING
Several amendments have been made to the Constitution of India. This law note covers all the amendments made from 1951 till today.KEEP READING
From Romesh Thappar to Aseem Trivedi – this article traces the Indian experience of the right to freedom of speech and expression.KEEP READING
Learn about constitutional conventions that are unwritten, informal, and uncodified procedural agreements the state’s institutions follow.KEEP READING
Read about judicial interference in electoral matters in India, power to review, subject matter primarily under judicial review and landmark judgements.KEEP READING
This law note discusses the changes brought in the Constitution after enacting the 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendments.KEEP READING
This law note tells you about the procedure that is followed to file a writ petition in the High Courts and the Supreme Court of India.KEEP READING
The Governor of an Indian state holds a respected position and this law note tells you all about the Governor’s importance, role, and functions.KEEP READING
Learn about the evolution of local self-government in India, which is a form of government introduced at the village or local level to decentralise power.KEEP READING
Amendment means to change or alter existing provisions of law. With time laws of the country need to be updated. They can’t be stiff and stagnant. Modifications in law provisions are a great sign of development. There have been many important constitutional amendments that have changed the shape of a statute or a particular provision completely. Let’s have a look at eighteen such amendments.
1st Constitutional Amendment Act, 1951: It was the first amendment after India became an independent and republican country. Article 15 clause 4 and Article 19 clause 6 were added in Part III of the Constitution.KEEP READING
In this law note, you will read about the qualification, appointment, functions, office term, and removal of the Vice President of India.KEEP READING
Even though a prisoner is kept in jail because of the crime he committed, he has certain rights, and they are mentioned in this law note.KEEP READING
Read about the extent to which the government can interfere in the affairs and administration of religious institutions in India.KEEP READING
This article explains the role and functions of the Tribal Advisory Council in the scheduled and non-scheduled areas of India.KEEP READING
In this law note, you will learn about the facts, issues, arguments, and judgment of Mary Roy vs the State of Kerala.KEEP READING
My name is Ankur. I am a law graduate. I was my college topper for five years. In March 2018, I started The main motive was to make a modern law website that is clean and comfortable. Currently, my wife and I run it.
Everything is going well. This is because of law students, advocates, judges and professors like you, who give me satisfaction, hope and the motivation to keep working. Thank you for your love and support. I hope you have a fruitful time here.
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